"Our Mission Is to bring Women Closer to the Lord with Love, the Word, Worship and Prayer"
What We Believe
The Bible
The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God: written by the Holy men of old as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. II Peter 1:20-21.
There is one God who is infinite in power, Holy in nature, attributes and purpose: omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. We believe that He was revealed to us: the Father in creation, the Son in redemption and the Holy Spirit in His comforting grace that never leaves those who trust in Him. I Corinthians. 8:6; Eph. 4:6; II Corinthians. 3:17, 5:19
Jesus Christ
The Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God: written by the Holy men of old as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. II Peter 1:20-21.
There is one God who is infinite in power, Holy in nature, attributes and purpose: omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. We believe that He was revealed to us: the Father in creation, the Son in redemption and the Holy Spirit in His comforting grace that never leaves those who trust in Him. I Corinthians. 8:6; Eph. 4:6; II Corinthians. 3:17, 5:19
His Sacrificial Love
We believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. We believe that He ascended on high and has sent His Spirit, the Holy Ghost, which was poured out at Jerusalem over 2000 years ago, and is still filling the hearts of those who diligently seek Him today. Acts 2:14.
Water Baptism
We believe in water baptism (by immersion) in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. This constitutes the new birth. Acts 2:4, 38.
We believe God is perfect and holy, wise and just, merciful and loving (Deuteronomy 32:4, Exodus 15:11, Romans 11:33, Titus 3:5, Psalm 108:4).
We believe that "Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life" and no one comes to the Father except through Him (John 14:6).
We believe that all people have sinned, and that equally all can be forgiven, cleansed, and obtain eternal life through submission and relationship with Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:9).
We believe that God "is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us" (Ephesians 3:20).
We believe that supernatural peace can be received as a result of prayer (Philippians 4:6-7).
We believe that we are to love each other and live in unity regardless of cultural, racial, political, denominational, generational, or geographical differences (Romans 13:9, Ephesians 4:3).
We believe the Holy Spirit, "the Spirit of truth," will guide us in all truth and empower us to live an enlightened and abundant life (John 16: 7-15)