Tanya M. Reed, Founder
Tanya Reed, is an inspirational woman of God who leads with wisdom, grace and love. She is the founder of Angels Entertainment and Sisters Attracting Value, Vision and You (SAVVY Sisters) Prayer Circle. Tanya is a true worshiper at heart. She first began ministering at age of 8. Her musical and spiritual gifts have been perfected over the past 25 years while she has been a faithful member of Greater Grace Temple of Detroit, MI. Tanya has served in many capacities there ranging from concert/event promoter, choir member, sick and shut in to her most passionate endeavor of participating the in the prison ministry. She has been instrumental in travailing for many members in the body of Christ resulting in the birthing of artists, new churches and ministers alike. Tanya believes every person possesses purpose, passion and power and uses the tools of outreach and worship to unveil this in the lives of people daily. Tanya loves the Lord and remains His faithful servant.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding in all you ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6