Become A Ministry Partner
Make a Donation or Register for the Breakfast Event
We believe your tithes belong to your Local church, therefore we will accept​ financial gifts as an offering for the ongoing support of SAVVY Sisters Prayer Circle Ministry.​
Register for Prayer Breakfast, Sat, November 9, 2024 $20.00
Bronze Level~Prayer Partner $10.00 monthly
Silver Level~Prayer Partner $50.00 monthly
Gold Level~Prayer Partner $100.00 monthly
Platinum Level~Global Prayer Partner $1000.00 and over

Become A Ministry Partner
We are so excited by your interest to join with us in ministry! There are number of ways for you to share your gifts with us as we partner to draw women closer to Christ through worship, the word, love and prayer. These range from being a prayer and financial partner, to volunteering with one of our teams in the field. All of these are vital to the continued success of our ministry, and we'd love to have you be a part of our team in any way that you can!

Join Us in Ministry
Thank you for your generosity and willingness to partner with us in ministry. The SAVVY Sisters Prayer Circle is a non-traditional, unconventional prayer circle that is committed to drawing women closer to Christ through worship, the word, love and prayer.
If you have a heart for people, love the Lord and are interested in helping us to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ become a SAVVY Sisters Volunteer! For more information on how you can invest your time, talents or resources please complete the form below. Thanks again for your generosity and support.